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From hyperconnectivity to spiritual reconnection
The Transpersonal in the age of artificial intelligence
June 21, 2024
Eragny-sur-Oise, France
FREE EVENT – campus based teaching OR distance teaching.
La vidéo de l'intervention d'Olivier Clerc ci-dessous ouvre la voie. Nous vous souhaitons de bons moments.
Symposium Eurotas 2024 - Jean Charles FOUCHÉ - Sortir de l’impasse par le corps
Symposium Eurotas 2024 - Solé & Mestres - Ethnothérapie, un pont entre les savoirs ancestraux...
Today’s world is constantly changing, and information and communication technologies have transformed the way we interact and think.
In this hyperconnected world, we are often overwhelmed by an overwhelming amount of information keeping our attention primarily on the matter and ego level. We have to recognize that this hyperconnectivity, over time, ultimately distances us from ourselves, paradoxically from others, and makes us lose contact with our essence.
The transpersonal paradigm invites us to meet ourselves and others in depth and to transcend the limits of our ego to connect to something greater than ourselves. It reminds us of the need to consider with equal attention all planes of being and existence.
This notion of balance is fundamental so that the process and the experience are lived at best. Maintain the balance between our relationship to the material dimension of our incarnation, with that which we maintain with the Invisible, the Mystery, the Divine whatever the name we give it and that which we are offered to live with artificial intelligence, promoting openness to new perspectives that allow us to live fully in today’s world…
It is in the research posture that is dear to us that we invite you to this symposium to question and explore this subject together. The broad spectrum of the transpersonal approach promises to nourish all dimensions through conferences, round tables, workshops and interactive discussion groups. Looking forward to experiencing this moment with you.
ATTENTION : The number of places in person is limited
Click on the names of the speakers for a description of the intervention
9:00 am
9:20 am
9:40 – 10:10 am
Pier Luigi Lattuada – Good news: We are at home
10:15 – 10:45 am
Olivier Clerc – Reconciling spirituality and new technologies
10:50 – 11:20 am
Johann Henry – Consciousness and technology: an evolutionary relationship for better or worse
11:20 – 11:50 am
11:50 am – 12:20 pm
Jure Biechonski – Can artificial intelligence affect our soul connection?
12:25 – 12:55 pm
Magda Solé & Jaume Mestres – Ethnotherapy, a bridge between ancestral knowledge and the future
12:55 – 14:30 pm
14:30 – 15:30 pm
Christine Bouillet – Accueillir la connexion et la collaboration du monde végétal dans le champ thérapeutique transpersonnel
Pier Luigi Lattuada – Embodying Archetype
Ingrida Indane – Transpersonal Performance: “From Soul to Soul”
15:35 – 16:05 pm
16:05 – 16:30 pm
Jean-Charles Fouché – Getting out of the deadlock through the body
16:30 – 17:30 pm
Exchange with the public and closing
From hyperconnectivity to spiritual reconnection
The Transpersonal in the age of artificial intelligence
June 21, 2024
Eragny-sur-Oise, France
FREE EVENT – campus based teaching OR distance teaching.
Today’s world is constantly changing, and information and communication technologies have transformed the way we interact and think.
In this hyperconnected world, we are often overwhelmed by an overwhelming amount of information keeping our attention primarily on the matter and ego level. We have to recognize that this hyperconnectivity, over time, ultimately distances us from ourselves, paradoxically from others, and makes us lose contact with our essence.
The transpersonal paradigm invites us to meet ourselves and others in depth and to transcend the limits of our ego to connect to something greater than ourselves. It reminds us of the need to consider with equal attention all planes of being and existence.
This notion of balance is fundamental so that the process and the experience are lived at best. Maintain the balance between our relationship to the material dimension of our incarnation, with that which we maintain with the Invisible, the Mystery, the Divine whatever the name we give it and that which we are offered to live with artificial intelligence, promoting openness to new perspectives that allow us to live fully in today’s world…
It is in the research posture that is dear to us that we invite you to this symposium to question and explore this subject together. The broad spectrum of the transpersonal approach promises to nourish all dimensions through conferences, round tables, workshops and interactive discussion groups. Looking forward to experiencing this moment with you.
ATTENTION : The number of places in person is limited
Click on the names of the speakers for a description of the intervention
9:00 am: ACCUEIL
9:40 – 10:10 am: Pier Luigi Lattuada – Good news: We are at home
10:15 – 10:45 am: Olivier Clerc – Reconciling spirituality and new technologies
10:50 – 11:20 am: Johann Henry – Consciousness and technology: an evolutionary relationship for better or worse
11:20 – 11:50 am: BREAK
11:50 am – 12:20 pm: Jure Biechonski – Can artificial intelligence affect our soul connection?
12:25 – 12:55 pm: Magda Solé & Jaume Mestres – Ethnotherapy, a bridge between ancestral knowledge and the future
12:55 – 14:30 pm
14:30 – 15:30 pm: Christine Bouillet – Accueillir la connexion et la collaboration du monde végétal dans le champ thérapeutique transpersonnel
14:30 – 15:30 pm: Pier Luigi Lattuada – Embodying Archetype
14:30 – 15:30 pm: Ingrida Indane – Transpersonal Performance: “From Soul to Soul”
15:35 – 16:05 pm: BREAK
16:05 – 16:30 pm: Jean-Charles Fouché – Getting out of the deadlock through the body
16:30 – 17:30 pm: Exchange with the public and closing
Good news: We are at home
The research on what was considered “empty space” came with surprises. During their investigation, physicists attended the creation and the disappearance of some particles apparently “out of nowhere”. The empty space revealed itself to be a creative space full of activity, becoming the place of all fields and phenomena. Each cubic centimeter of empty space contains more energy than the total energy of all matter in the known universe!
Therefore, spirit, as the place for every transformation of natural elements comes to mind: earth, air, water, fire, or the passage from the zero requested by various traditions of perennial philosophy such as the empty and awake condition of Zen, leave everything and follow me typical of evangelism, today is a good day to die of the native Americans or Socrates’ i know that I don’t know.
Every time we let go our identifications with the contents of the I (the full is emptied), the contents of the Self reach our consciousness (the empty is filled), the force of our true nature, the essence of what we really are.
By persisting in contact and letting flow, our mind is emptied, false needs disappear, the different persons, roles and masks we built for ourselves disappear and finally we aways find ourselves again.
Actually we are at home.
Pier Luigi Lattuada M. D., Psy. D. Ph. D.
Founder of Biotransenergetics a new integral transpersonal psychotherapeutic approach.
Pier Luigi is the CEO of the Integral Transpersonal Institute of Milan. He is also director of the Transpersonal Psychotherapy School in Milan, fully recognized by the Ministry of Education University and Research since 2002.
He is Faculty at Meridien University and chair of Integral Transpersonal Psychology Program at Ubiquity University.
He is President of EUROTAS, Global Transpersonal Network.
Pier Luigi has published twenty books and several scientific articles.
Reconciling spirituality and new technologies
In this talk, Olivier Clerc highlights how spirituality and new technologies, while seemingly two totally different worlds, are in fact ruled by exactly the same principles and mirror each other. Both make us « craftmen of the invisible », as Olivier will explain in detail. It is therefore possible to draw on knowledge of these technologies to better understand spirituality. Better still, we can perform « spiritual grafts », i.e. use the omnipresence of technology in our lives to intensify our spiritual practice. We can be both geeks and mystics!
Olivier Clerc
Olivier Clerc is the author of twenty-five books, with translations in seventeen languages, including (in English) Invaulable lessons from a frog, The Gift of Forgiveness and Healing the Wounds of the Heart.
He has also translated some 100 books by renowned authors (Don Miguel Ruiz, Deepak Chopra, Neale Donald Walsch, Gregg Braden, Byron Katie, etc.).
Olivier Clerc is the founder of Forgiveness Circles, which now exist in some fifteen countries.
In 2012, he created the Genesis: 7 days to recreate yourself retreat, which he co-hosts with his wife Annabelle Clerc.
www.olivierclerc.com – blog.olivierclerc.com – www.cerclesdepardon.fr
Consciousness and technology: an evolutionary relationship for better or worse
In an ever-changing world, where technology shapes our daily lives at a dizzying pace, it’s essential to understand the complex relationship between the evolution of human consciousness and technological advances. This presentation sheds light on the fascinating relationship which has governed our lives since the creation of the first tool in prehistoric times until the use of smartphones and artificial intelligence in the contemporary era.
First, we’ll take a brief look at the work of Lev Vygotski, a developmental psychologist and theorist who proposed a fascinating approach to the relationship between the individual, society and technological tools. According to Vygotski, objects and technologies play a crucial role in the development of human consciousness. In particular, he puts forward the idea that cultural tools and artifacts are not simply objects we use, but things that actively shape the way we think and act in the world, leading to higher forms of thought and consciousness.
Secondly, we will situate the current debate on the place and impact of technology in our lives within the Dynamic Spiral development model. This will enable us not only to gain a broader historical perspective on the evolution of the « consciousness-technology » duo, but also to make some viable assumptions about its future fate. By analyzing how consciousness evolves and interacts with technological advances, and vice versa, we’ll be better equipped to navigate this ever-changing world, where opportunities and challenges present themselves at every turn.
This presentation will thus be an opportunity to provoke stimulating reflection on how we can shape the future of this evolving relationship between consciousness and technology, reinforcing the best… and avoiding the worst!
Johann Henry
Psychologist trained at University of Lyon, Johann Henry divides his
time between transpersonal psychotherapy in his Geneva practice, leading holotropic breathwotk seminars, supervising therapists, and training (notably with CesHum – l’Ecole du Transpersonnel). He is also the author of two books published by Editions Enrick B.: « Psychologie transpersonnelle et états modifiés de conscience », co-written with Cyrille Champagne and Muriel Rojas Zamudio (2021), and « Introduction à la Psychologie intégrale : nouvelles clés pour être au monde » (2023).
Can artificial intelligence affect our soul connection?
From my perspective intelligence can be a good source of knowledge
The difference between intelligence and cleverness is very important. The intelligent conscious mind has the ability to encounter original experiences and situations, and to respond to them with intelligence. That is to say that it can assess new experiences and make original decisions. This part of our mind is creative, imaginative, problem solving and intellectually talented. The intermediate subconscious mind is extraordinarily clever, relying upon a perfect memory of all that has previously transpired, and using this to assist us with our thinking and decision making processes.
I suggest we explore the possibility that intelligence/knowledge might have dehumanized the emotional connection, by scientifically trying to understand logically the illogical.
As a traveler in the emotional world I will be looking for the human connection that the artificial intelligence might not give me.
Jure Biechonski
Professor Jure Biechonski MSc Counselling – Psychologist
TEADLIK MINA School of transpersonal hypnotherapy-psychology
As founder and Creator of THA (Transpersonal Hypno-Analysis)
Holds academic degrees in:
History, Philosophy, education, French Literature, and Psychology.
He is conducting classes in:
Sichuan University Chengdu, China,
University of Tatrtu, Tartu, Estonia.
Universidad Vasco De Qiroga, Morelia, Mexico
Also guest lecturer in various medical colleges and business colleges around the world.
Ethnotherapy, a bridge between ancestral knowledge and the future
Ethnotherapy is a therapeutic approach that integrates the wisdom and practices gained from diverse shamanic cultures with modern Western psychotherapy principles.
Developed by Magda Solé and Jaume Mestres at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in Barcelona, it combines ancestral healing methods such as sacred plants, rituals, and ceremonies with contemporary therapeutic techniques.
Students at the institute undergo comprehensive training, learning theoretical foundations and practical applications of ethnotherapy, including techniques like Altar, Rituals, Meditations, and Mantras (ARMM), Techniques for Expanding Consciousness (TeAC), Body Work Techniques (TeCos), Artistic Expression Techniques (TeArt), and various therapeutic theories and practices.
The aim is to provide a holistic and effective approach to emotional, psychological, and spiritual issues, promoting well-being and authenticity on all levels of human existence.
Magda Solé Galofre
Clinic Psychologist and Psychotherapist,
She is the creator of Empagenia and Ethnotherapy methods
President of I.P.T.B
Vice-president of Eurotas. Member of Committee for Certification and
Accreditation of Transpersonal Psychotherapy.
Founder and Chair of Eurotas Department of Ethnological Knowledges
and Anthropology, EUREKA.
Founder Institute Transpersonal Psychology Barcelona and Mexico
Master in Psychoanalysis and Psycho-diagnosis, Psychosynthesis in
Mexico, and USA.
Professor at University of Barcelona
Research Mexican indigenous. Ethno-therapeutic groups of Shamanic
Mexico, Uzbekistan, and Siberia since 1990. Teaching and workshops in
more than 25 countries over the world, America, Europe, Central Asia,
India, Russia, China, and Middle East.
Collaborates with International Institute for Consciousness Exploration,
Germany; Humanistic Institute, Hezong Institute, China; Instituto Macuil,
Mexico; Instituto BV, Chile, CEIP.org, Instituto de Psiquiatria, Sao Paulo,
Clinica de Psihiatrie, Romania, Ceshum, France, Transpersonal
Psychology I. Gulf Countries (GCC).
Publications: “Hallucinogens: Psilocybin” in Neurosciences.; “Brain 2.0”; « Consciousness » Mandala Ed., articles and media
Jaume Mestres Boquera
Transpersonal therapist and coach. IPTB Vice-director. (Institute of
Transpersonal Psychology of Barcelona). Professor at the UAB
Barcelona University. Since the year 2000, he has been carrying
Transpersonal workshops in several countries as France, Germany,
Switzerland, Estonia, Latvia, Russia, Uzbekistan, Japan, China, Mexico,
etc. As an expert in coaching, he has formed many groups of
professionals in business and commercial management in European
Union Training Programs. He is also the founder of Holos Shamanic
Expeditions, travel organization specialized travels and retreats groups
for personal and spiritual growth cultivated in ancient wisdom of
traditional cultures in Mexico, Uzbekistan, and Siberia and other
countries. He is co-author of the book Travel, Feeling and Thinking (Ed.
UOC) and Transpersonal: planet, culture, and consciousness (Mandala Ed).
Embodying Archetype
But when spirit becomes heavy it turns to water, and with Luciferian
presumption the intellect usurps the seat where once the spirit was
enthroned. (Jung C 1959, p 118).
Whatever we call it: “universal principles” “unifying principles of the living “eternal principles” Eidos, “original Ideas” ‘primordial images Logos forming form “measurement units”, “mental categories and emotional plexus” unifying schemes charged with emotional and symbolic energy”, Imago Dei Orixàs,
for BTE methodology, the dynamic idea of archetype has to be experienced, “embodied” through Transe rather than interpreted.
In the workshop we’ll experience how to get the Axè of any archetype where Axè means “the force that derives from the ancestral connection”, the force of tradition, of the origins.
By embodiment of its qualities, we fully enter the Transe of an Orixà, that is to say, “to live an integral experience with the entirety of the body-mind”. It means letting the specific vibration, the qualities of any archetypal force, irradiate our field of consciousness causing a transformation of our state of consciousness and, consequently, of all the levels of the body-mind.
Pier Luigi Lattuada M. D., Psy. D. Ph. D.
Founder of Biotransenergetics a new integral transpersonal psychotherapeutic approach.
Pier Luigi is the CEO of the Integral Transpersonal Institute of Milan. He is also director of the Transpersonal Psychotherapy School in Milan, fully recognized by the Ministry of Education University and Research since 2002.
He is Faculty at Meridien University and chair of Integral Transpersonal Psychology Program at Ubiquity University.
He is President of EUROTAS, Global Transpersonal Network.
Pier Luigi has published twenty books and several scientific articles.
Transpersonal Performance: “From Soul to Soul”
Performance art is an artwork created through actions executed by the artist or other participants. Transpersonal Performance is based on performance art, transpersonal psychotherapy, and art therapy techniques. The creators of a Transpersonal Performance do not need to be professional artists or actors.
As part of the workshop, we will create a small performance on the topic of communication without information technology. What does your soul want to whisper, say, or shout out to people who are ready to hear you? What is the most important thing for you regarding this topic? We will create the text and means of expression for this performance on the spot.
An excellent result of the working group could be a short performance, which, with the participants’ permission, could be shown to all the Symposium participants live, in audio or video format.
Ingrida Indane
Transpersonal psychotherapist, artist, educator, and supervisor. Founder and director of the Transpersonal Education Institute in Latvia and a board member of EUROTAS. She has studied visual arts, pedagogy, psychology, psychotherapy, art therapy, and family constellations. She is currently working on her doctoral dissertation on the topic of « Transpersonal Performance ».
Getting out of the deadlock through the body
From personal deadlock to transpersonal transformation via interpersonal therapy.
The place of the body in a technological century and continent. The intelligence of Life versus artificial intelligence.
We live in a hyper-connected world which constantly requires us to be efficient, to meet deadlines, to reach objectives, and to offer the best version of ourselves from our childhood to our professional environment, even including personal development. Artificial Intelligence which will revolutionize all areas of our society, will meet these needs and replace human skills on an industrial scale. Technological versus Biological. Hyperconnection versus individualism.
What if Artificial Intelligence was an opportunity to return to the core of our human nature, namely the living thread on the way to the body, in the continuum of sensation, from the individual to the connection to Life, via relationships?
Jean-Charles Fouché
« Que chacun puisse ré-écrire et réaliser le scénario de sa vie à l’aide de la Gestalt et de la perspective transpersonnelle, voilà la proposition audacieuse que fait Jean-Charles Fouché… »
Manon van Woensel – Superviseure Gestalt
Jean-Charles Fouché est consultant depuis près de 30 ans dans le domaine de l’image et de la communication numérique et psycho-praticien en Gestalt et Transpersonnel dans son cabinet à Uzès où il propose des stages mêlant la danse, la boxe et la respiration holotropique. Il est est l’auteur de nombreux ouvrages théoriques/pratiques/techniques; Après avoir travaillé avec plusieurs éditeurs, il crée en 2018 sa propre maison d’édition indépendante: « les éditions transpersonnelles”, et publie notamment “Animer un groupe” de Brigitte Chavas et Alain Barbier et “Stan Grof et le LSD: De la pharmacologie aux archétypes” de Brigitte et Stan Grof, ainsi que le “Manuel de travail avec les états de conscience holotropiques”.
Welcoming the connection and collaboration of the plant world in the transpersonal therapeutic field
The workshop will explore how we can welcome the connection and collaboration of the plant world in the transpersonal therapeutic field.
For the transpersonal psychotherapist, human being is connected to a whole that transcends his or her personal dimension; one of the main tools in transpersonal therapy is awareness of what is happening in the “here and now” of the relationship. This form of sensory and bodily awareness constitutes the primordial environment for therapeutic work.
A number of authors have written about the soul of plants, including Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Ernst Haeckel, Rudolf Steiner, Harrod Buhner, Barbara McClintock, Monica Gagliano, Rupert Sheldrake… These authors have explored the different ways in which plants can be perceived as possessing a form of intelligence or internal consciousness. It is possible to feel plants intuitively, notably by widening the field of consciousness in the therapeutic space and welcoming the more subtle connection with their essence. In this way, plant spirits become allies in the service of the patient’s well-being.
While this is a subjective, subtle and personal experience, which can vary from one therapist to another, developing this practice requires a specific approach that cannot be improvised, and whose modalities will be presented in this workshop.
Each participant will then be invited to experiment with « his or her own way » of feeling connected to the plant world.
Christine Bouillet
Transpersonal psychotherapist (Ceshum), holder of the Certificate in Transpersonal Psychology, Holotropic States of Consciousness and Grof© Breathwork – (CesHum & International Grof© Legacy Training), kinesiologist, hypnotherapist and gestalt-sex therapist (E.S.O.G). For the past 25 years, I have been applying a global method combining different approaches and techniques. My orientation includes a vibratory and phytotherapeutic approach (Phytotherapy, aromatherapy, flower essences, gems…), as well as humanistic astrology.